- Malaria affects families in Africa and renders children and infants incapable of cognitive development. Burden of Malaria Africa
- Malaria grossly hinders the expansion of tourism and culture. It greatly incapacitates and impoverishes the people.
- Malaria increases school absenteeism and impairs educational development of children and youths in Africa.
Upon realization of the above grim statistics, Prince Ned Nwoko felt the need to reverse the trend, first by taking deliberate steps to depopulate the deadly mosquito vectors in Africa starting with Nigeria.
The target is to take the malaria elimination programme to the point where the disease won’t constitute a threat to public health. The Ned Nwoko Foundation appreciates the concerted efforts of the civil society and governments in combating Malaria in Africa. The foundation lauds the various interventions already in place such as the Roll Back Malaria programme, National Malaria Elimination Programme and provision of treated mosquito nets which have indeed helped a great deal to curb the scourge. The foundation is committed to working together with relevant stakeholders to deal a fatal blow on the malaria pandemic to pave way for a healthier Africa.